August 2021: On Vacation
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On Vacation
- When The Going Gets Good By Robert Rodi
- One Night in the Voodoo Museum By David Witter
- Me, Myself and I By Isa Giallorenzo
- Grass By Monica Kass Rogers
- 24 Hours in Springfield By John Moss
- Guns and Butter in the Land Up North By David Hammond
- A Traveler’s Lexicon By S.L. Wisenberg
- The Rear View Horizon By Jac Kuntz
The Conversation
The Conversation: Elly Fishman Discusses "Refugee High" (with her Dad)
"I spent a lot of time in different Chicago high schools, both public and private, and I had never walked into a school like Sullivan ever. There are thirty-eight languages spoken inside Sullivan. There's Arabic and Swahili and French and Urdu and Spanish. It's an incredible soundscape and scene to witness. Over half the school are either immigrants or refugees. You walk down the halls and it's this amazing mix of global and American fashions. There are groups of girls in hijabs and high-tops, mothers wearing traditional [African] lupita dresses, with their kids and wearing big Beats headphones around their necks and Nike sneakers." (Ted C. Fishman)
Ways of Seeing
"When Dorenbaum began to curate this exhibition, she was aware of the weight of her task. She sifted through hundreds of color negatives, most of them donated by Jeffrey Goldstein and unseen to the general public until now. She had to select a small number to showcase from this large selection of negatives, and some were damaged, as they had faded over time. Additionally, she was doing all of this from her hometown of Toronto. Because of the pandemic, she couldn’t travel to see the negatives in person, and going through the collection of Maier’s color photographs was a collaborative effort with other museum staff who enjoyed recognizing the locations photographed. The exhibition includes sixty-five prints dating from 1956, the year that Maier moved to Chicago, until the late 1970s. These photographs are categorized by Dorenbaum into the ways that Maier was 'looking. There are seven sections: looking up, down, from behind, straight on, through, afar, and up close." (Mána Hjörleifsdóttir Taylor)
In the Land of the Enchanted Highway
"Less than 50 miles east of Medora, a two-lane highway intersecting with the interstate is marked by a large sculpture, 'Geese in Flight.' At 110 feet tall, 154 feet wide and nearly eighty tons, it's in the Guinness World Records as the world's largest scrap-metal sculpture. It also serves as the gateway to the Enchanted Highway, a series of seven roadside sculptural installations running from Interstate 94 to the town of Regent, thirty-two miles away. To understand the madness of the Enchanted Highway you have to acknowledge the complete improbability of Medora, a town of about the same population operating with a foundation counting more than $65 million in assets." (Brian Hieggelke)
Get A Job
A cartoonist’s sketchy work history
An original seven-page comics story by Anya Davidson. A print exclusive.
Arts & Culture
Art: What Flies But Never Lands? asks us to reconsider the past
Design: Open Architecture Chicago brings change in marginalized communities
Dining & Drinking: Road tripping to sample the craft beers of Green Bay
Film: Tarantino from heel to toe and back again
Lit: Kyle Beachy discusses "The Most Fun Thing: Dispatches from a Skateboard Life"
Music: The Mountain Goats return with “Dark In Here”
Stage: Nicole Clarke-Springer guides Deeply Rooted through a pandemic to the Pritzker Pavilion
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